This course is all about YOU—understanding your needs, prioritizing yourself, and creating a life full of balance and inner peace. Learn to set boundaries, cultivate self-awareness, and embrace self-love through practical tips, spiritual practices, and empowering lessons.



"Achieving genuine happiness may require bringing about a transformation in your outlook, your way of thinking, and this is not a simple matter… It requires the application of so many different factors from different directions. You shouldn’t have the notion, for instance, that there is just one key, a secret, similar to taking proper care of the physical body; you need a variety of vitamins and nutrients, not just one or two. In the same way, in order to achieve happiness, you need a variety of approaches and methods to deal with and overcome the varied and complex negative mental states."

His Holiness the Dalai Lama, The Art of Happiness, 10th Anniversary Edition: A Handbook for Living